Benchmark your subbies engagements

For too long businesses have operated in the dark with no clear set of metrics to measure their sub-contracting relationships.

Bringing in independent sub-contractors can provide much needed access to top workers while improving a businesses productivity, efficiencies and alignment in costs.

However, too often businesses are missing small pieces of the puzzle that is holding them back from realising the full benefit of sub-contracting engagements. Even worse their could be significant risks or missing processes in the way work is organised that is leaving individual subbies and the business exposed.

Subbie Central has developed a unique set of metrics designed specifically to benchmark a sub-contracting relationship against industry best-practice. For business owners these metrics provide a guiding light to clear the complexity of these arrangements and understand what levers can be pulled to make the most of their sub-contracted workforce.

The Metrics


The features and attributes of the sub-contractor’s business are the first step to assessing the nature of the arrangement.


The second element includes all the actions taken by both parties during the course of a sub-contractor engagement.


The aspects of a subbie engagement are all of the intangibles that are difficult to describe let alone measure.

The Engagement


Going through the steps, checks and processes for engaging a new subbie are the first critical step to get right.

Job Management

In the course of a subbie engagement there are inevitably a wide range of variables that need to be documented appropriately.


Having a strong understanding of your rights and responsibilities in a contracting arrangement is central to meeting your obligations.

The Outcome

Increased Productivity

Correctly structured contracting arrangements should result in a highly productive working environment.

Improved efficiencies

Contracting naturally drives efficiencies as people are rewarded for results rather then simply being present.

Simplified Compliance

Compliance is a moving target and keeping your finger on the pulse with simple measurements is critical

“Subbie Central was very thorough covering all my concerns regarding the laws. I am now a lot more knowledgeable and know where we stand as a business regarding the subbie laws.”

Nigel Wickens, Signature Shutters and Blinds

“We had Patrick and his team from Subbie central review our business and how we engage Sub Contractors.

Using Sub contractors in business today can be complex with workers compensation, superannuation and tax with all different regulations and laws.  

We found their advice and knowledge to be clear, helpful and professional and would highly recommend all businesses to utilise their services. Subbie Central could advise you on something you may be managing incorrectly when engaging sub-contractors.”

Brendon Callaghan, Ready Fence

“The Subbie Review carried out by subbie central was an easy process that highlighted previously unknown risks – followed by a simple plan to eliminate the risks.”

Tim Davidson, Davidsons Plumbing

Download the brochure

Download the brochure to learn more about the specifics details of the Subbie Review, what’s included, how the process works and what the terms and conditions are.

Download Brochure

Register your interest

Register your interest and we will be in touch to talk through the details.